My little guy is 6 months already, half a year, 26 weeks, 180-something days… seriously where did that time go?! It truly does feel like yesterday was the 2nd of February and he arrived (17 days late…. lazy like his daddy). As soon as I held him I felt an inner calm; he is the eye of my hurricane life. So laid back and full of the biggest smiles and huge saucer-like eyes that would melt hearts of ice. He dotes on his two older sisters, and giggles when they sit on him (I don’t find this quite as hilarious). It is a joy watching him grow and the changes taking place; now gurgling along to my off-key singing, holding on to me as we walk down the stairs; eating pieces of toast…sigh.
We never had three children on the cards, and were overjoyed as our unit of 4, but now I can’t imagine our lives without him in it. He truly does complete our little (big-ish) family. Twenty minutes to spare so I thought I would capture my Sonny boy and all his gorgeousness…!