Just let it all go

July 06, 2024

So I've just turned 42, and with that I plan to embark on being more chilled. I like to be organised, so much so that my lists have lists etc etc. I know I'm not the only one out there. I also need to be early to be on time, if I'm not I get super wibbly inside. As I was driving to an appointment, and the traffic was building, I could feel myself getting worked up. And then something remarkable happened, I took a deep breath and just told myself it was out of my control, and I'd get there when I got there, safely.

This little seed has started to bloom and I am now feeling a sense of calmness wash over me as I look at my to-do list. Life is just a beautiful journey, and I want to enjoy all of it, without looking back and regretting my actions. I often think of my late Grandma who was such an inspiration to me, and I can just see her smiling and telling me not to worry, there's no need for it.

In a bid to push myself out there more onto the internet to start the next chapter of myself and my business, I intend to just have a presence. It wont always be elegant and inspiring, but it will be true to me.

So here is my beautiful 16 year old daughter who launched herself out of a plane, dropping 13,000 feet, being in the moment, brave, fearless, honest, pure. She loved it. And while I'm not quite ready to throw myself off silly heights, I am ready to fully embrace every moment.




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