Holy hell, if you are ever in need of some noise, commotion, and bustley-ness, you are more than welcome in our household as we have it in abundance! Sonny- gosh I cannot believe my littlest is now entering the 'teen years'. Sonny's delight in receiving deodorant for Christmas and getting a spot on his chin has probably been one of his most exciting moments as he embarks on this next chapter. The girls aren't quite as delighted as he, and now checklists for 'Sonny's self-care routine' are popping up around the house.
Joking aside, it has been another beautiful year of growth and joy. Sonny's creativity continues to break through boundaries, he is prolific in his creations, focusing on warhammer with his grandpa, building, painting, clay modelling, and of course, making his own versions of grotesque creatures that make him squeal with delight as he explains what they are and even worse, what they do.
But the fun doesn't stop there. Comics. Comics! Reams and reams of them. The Movie Toy Gang and what are they up to now!? Those naughty little cartoons and their antics. The colours used are psychedelic and enchanting, but what gets me is the script Sonny creates. His comics are so funny and sharp. Everything he does is thought out, in that incredible brain of his that seems to never switch off. As soon as he wakes up, until late at night, he is poured over his desk trying to express as best he can for us mere mortals what is in his mind. And he loves it, you can hear the shrieks of laughter tumbling down the stairs as he brings his imagination to life.
It's constant. The creativity. The noise. The mess. The love. Time seems to be the one thing that isn't, even though I know that's not true. But time has a funny way of not feeling constant, of speeding up when you don't want it to (and vice versa of course). But I cannot seem to hold on to these moments long enough before the next one hurtles by. As all the children get older, we do now think more of what the future could possibly look like. When they are so small, you can't see much beyond those years, but now it's something I am both apprehensive of but also excited for. It's the unknown, and I don't know what that looks like. To think that one day my house will not be full of the arguing, the laughing, the colourful mess embedded into my cream carpet, what will that be like? So I try to turn my head away from that next part, and delve deeper into this chapter of 'teenager-ness' that currently embodies our lives.
So yes, if you ever need cheering up, or a distraction, then do come over. Because it seems like a whirlwind in our house, and sometimes I will just stand in the middle of it all, breathe it all in, and be joyful. It's mine.
Happy 13th birthday my sweet boy xx