Ahhh gorgeous you. Sometimes it takes all of my energy to not rush over and squeeze you like you are still three years old. Sometimes I fail and squeeze you anyway. Forever my little girl, but now not so little, and I cannot believe for one moment you are sixteen!! Though I still can't help but cut your grapes in half. I don't think that will ever change.
When I first held you it honestly didn't even enter my head that one day you would be this beautiful amazing person. At that time I felt like I had the world in my arms and everything was just that moment, I couldn't comprehend or fathom what the future might look like. And then tomorrow came.
When I look at you I honestly am so overwhelmed with joy, love, pride, and gratitude. As I write this, I am at a loss for words of how proud I am of you, and I'm proud of me too.
Your determination and resilience has shone through, and you've started to truly find who you are. In just a year, your confidence has grown, your pride has grown, you have shown such a driving force to better yourself. Dad and I are couldn't ask any more from you, you are thoughtful and kind, you are incredibly funny, you have matured and allowed yourself to be more vulnerable and expressive. Once the quiet, unsure girl, you now exude such joy and confidence, filling the room with light when you enter.
You are emerging into a wonderfully funny, caring, confident young woman. We are so proud of the huge steps you have made, and see the pride you take in all aspects of your life. You seem lighter in yourself, you no longer carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and know that it's ok to ask for help. You are on a shining path to a bright future, and whereas before when all I could see was the here and now, I look forward and see greatness in your life. I see you shining so brightly like you’ve emerged from a chrysalis and now stand before me a beautiful butterfly. Full of life, spirit, humour, plans, dreams, love.
When I was at school, oh so many decades ago, you would be the type of girl I would look at and think, 'she's got it all, effortlessly cool, incredibly talented, naturally beautiful, unassuming, and cleverly funny.' I know you don't see these attributes in yourself, but I think that adds to your charm. You don't boast or shout, you seem to glide your way through.
You’ve given me so much joy and love, and I feel we have become even closer this year with our (what feels like daily) trips to the gym. Motivating me, applauding me on a sesh well done, always encouraging. You're sat there on the leg press doing over 100kgs and you're congratulating me on my measly 45kgs. Also eye rolling when your favourite piece of gym equipment isn’t available (and having a mini little strop about it).
You spend hours in your own company, painting mostly, creating something beautiful from your talented mind. All the hours upon hours upon days, weeks, months of revision for your exams and you just locked yourself away for two days to paint, unleashing your vision and taking a break from the books. You can't wait to study fine art at sixth form, and I know you will just continue to impress us all.
You are quite the unassuming drama queen. Not outwardly over the top, but expressive in your actions and face, theatrical with your words and humour, creatively making little videos and skits. You make me laugh as I hear you calling out “BRUUUUH” when you walk behind me, or tangling yourself up in your sisters arms whilst giggling like a bunch of hyenas. Most of the photos on our shoot were you being goofy and silly, making me laugh.
Kind, caring, funny, strong, gentle, there are so many wonderful things to say about you that I wouldn't know where to stop. This world and the people in it are lucky to have you. Happy 16th my beautiful girl. xx